Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Okayy/ Have not been able to get a hold of the computer. Shit, I hate life.

I skipped school today, dang it. I wasn t feeling well, from both my stomach and my sunburn, perhaps I ve got a problem with all illnesses starting with the letter "S". Dang.

Last last Tuesday was fun, school wasn t, Raychel didn t go school, but I ve suddenly got immuned to her not going school, so I was fine with it. Second last session for the inline skating. I ve had much fun actually, MrBen was kind of fed up and moodless at the same time, I think because we weren t doing as he was wishing. We were lazy, he was like a timebomb, ticking away. And finally shouted with all his might. Actually I really wanted to laugh, I ve become numbed. He pushed me, say 2rounds? Wow, that seemed like a lot!, He accidentally touched my sunburn, but again, I ve been pretty numbed, not much pain. I ve got people trying to tease me the whole day, not working anymore. I ve managed to numbed most of my pain now, I learnt it from you . Enough for tuesday now.

Last Tuesday only event I could remember is that it is the last day for Inline Skating. Man, I m going to miss it. now. Hmm. Hockey was quite fun.

Apologies, didn t post for like 13days now. I like no.13 it s nice(:
OKay, school was practically quite normal. So since OPY and Sareen didn t like my long posts. I shall keep them super short(:
But it s hard. I ve got so many things to post:(

Saturday. Today, I m DEROB. Very very bored. I ve written it backwards! Shows how free I am. Oh, raining the whole day:( But I like this weather(: I held the girls up :( Sorry, Jac, Cheryl, Fareza and Stephanie. Ding didn t go either eh? Hm, meetup another day? I promise promise will be there the next time round. How about a movie(:
Got to go now.

I would like to post everyday.
I m happier now!
its funny, how I don t feel the same anymore